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the adhd crash-course for beating 

procrastination and getting stuff done!

Learn how to work with your ADHD to get more done.

In this course, you’ll learn how to overcome everyday avoidance and overwhelm, and get the tools you need to implement a new way of getting stuff done.

Confused ADHD

Does This Sound Familiar?

You’re smart, you’re capable, you juggle a lot. 

But you only get a burst of energy to do something at the very last minute. You get distracted by other stuff that grabs your attention. And sometimes, you feel so overwhelmed, you can’t figure out how to prioritize All The Things - so you wind up doing none of them.
And you’re so frustrated.

Meanwhile, other people make it look easy, and you’re wondering what the secret is. 


What if you could ditch the shame, embrace your brain, and take control?

Welcome to the ADHD tribe!


It's so darn hard for you to do things that seem so simple for others.

You've labeled yourself lazy, unmotivated, undisciplined.

You feel different and sometimes ashamed. 


So you avoid doing that thing, you procrastinate, again and again. It's all so draining.

ADHD Woman Pointing

What if you could learn to accept yourself more, to function better

and to procrastinate less? 

​What if you could try out ADHD-friendly tools in a safe and non-judgmental space with others who get you?  Where your experience is understood and validated. 

What if there were a way to bring more ease and flow in your life? 

Here's what I know: You don't need to try harder. You just need to try differently

And the good news is: Once you begin using strategies that work with your brain rather than against it, you'll be building forward momentum instead of fighting an uphill battle. 

You can stop devoting so much energy to getting started - and dedicate more of your efforts to actually doing a good job!


Because that's the stuff that makes you feel good


And you deserve to feel good!

ADHD Woman Feeling Good
About pg pic_edited.jpg

Hi, I'm Alana.

​I’m an ADHD/Executive Function coach for neurodiverse adults. I specialize in working with overstretched women who are struggling to manage the demands of a Jewish lifestyle. 

My signature coaching approach focuses on the how– developing that important skillset that translates theory into practice, your ideas into reality; following which, I accompany and support you as you turn your personalized systems into a natural part of your life.


On their ADHD coaching journey, my clients discover how they can master their minds and take control,  so that they can feel good and live well with ADHD.


let's get started!

The Neurodiverse-Friendly Crash Course on How to Beat Procrastination

Join this hands-on 90 minute workshop, and learn how to 


  • overcome overwhelm

  • trouble-shoot avoidance

  • build skills for resisting distraction and following through with your goals. 

You'll also get a chance to try out some of these ADHD-friendly tips and tools,  right there in the class, with email guidance and non-judgmental support from me.

And you will walk away with a reusable handbook, so that you can remember to apply these strategies again and again. So that starting will be easier. So that you get more of your stuff done and begin to feel calmer and more in control!

let's get started!
When: January 21, 2024  Get the video course & workbook!
Cost: $43

purchase course

what people say

I came to Alana feeling anxious and overwhelmed, avoiding my priorities for easier tasks. I felt frustrated and out of control. 


I am now taking care of priorities without getting anxious, not ignoring them in favor of easier things. I feel more in control of my to do list. 


Happy ADHD Woman

How much energy and dedication do you invest in getting support for your children with ADHD or other challenges?

Wouldn't it be great to have someone give YOU that same support?


Give yourself this gift, and go from frustrated and despondent to productive and accomplished!

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