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Untangling ADHD "Spaghetti"

When you first get diagnosed with ADHD you may feel shock, relief, sadness and a whole lot of looking back at your past with different "lenses", and a desire to get to know the real you.

Part of this journey of self discovery is getting to know your ADHD, because everyone's ADHD profiles are different. Looking at your ADHD can feel like a giant bowl of tangled-up spaghetti!

But in the JDHD™ program, we assess each strand of "spaghetti" on it's own, so it feels less overwhelming.

And the good news is that just like we eat spaghetti all tangled up anyway, once you build up you skills in one or two areas, ALL of your functioning improves!

What Are Executive Functions?

According to top ADHD expert Dr. Russel Barkley, thriving with ADHD is not so much about knowing what to do as it is about doing what you know.

Doing means acting to produce an intended result, to achieve a goal. 

We all have a set of brain skills, called executive functions, which we use to help us do - to act on our intentions.

People with ADHD often struggle with executive functioning and you may too.  But everyone's ADHD is different.

In the JDHD model of the executive functions, "executing" is actually a 4-step process, and two of these steps comprise multiple sub-steps.

  1. PREPARING - What you need to do before getting started.

  2. STARTING - Initiating - taking the first step.

  3. MANAGING - Things to monitor and regulate while working.

  4. CLOSING - Following through to completion, persistence over time.

This is part of why you struggle to "just do it"- It's not one thing to "just do"!!!

Ready for a deep but simple dive into Executive Functions?

Let's go!

The JDHD™ Executive Function Model

1. Remembering

Working Memory is the ability to hold things in mind and use them to execute a task.

Is this you?

✅I say, "I'll do it later," and then forget about it.

✅I often walk into a room and forget what I was headed there for.

✅I lose or misplace belongings.

✅I must write things down or I will forget them.

✅I am often told that I am forgetful or absent-minded.


2. Prioritizing

Prioritizing is the skill that you use to "do the most important things first".

Is this you?

✅I have difficulty prioritizing tasks when there is a lot to do.

✅I know what is most important but I have difficulty acting on my priorities.


3. Planning

Planning is creating a roadmap to achieve a goal and planning WHEN you are going to do the various tasks.

Is this you?

✅I struggle to plan out big projects.

✅I prefer to "go with the flow" than to decide in advance when to do what.

✅I tend to over-commit - saying "yes" to something without first checking where I could fit it in.


4. Starting

Task Initiation is that skill of getting started when you intend to, or in an efficient or timely manner, as opposed to procrastinating.

Is this you?

✅I put things off until the last minute.

✅I put things off if they are not interesting to me (housework, admin, mundane tasks).

✅I put things off if I'm overwhelmed and don't know where to start.

✅I put off important long term goals that have no immediate deadlines.

✅It's easier to start a task if I am answerable to someone else (accountability.)


5. Managing Time

Time Management is the ability to have an accurate awareness of time.

Is this you?

✅I often run late for meetings or appointments.

✅I often underestimate how long a task will take.

✅I often run out of time to do things.


6. Managing Distractions

Paying Attention is the ability to stay focused in the face of distractions, boredom or fatigue.

Is this you?

✅I am easily distracted by things going on around me.

✅I get started on something, but then follow a chain of distractions until I end up somewhere else completely.

✅My own thoughts often pull me off task.

✅I have difficulty stopping when I am (hyper)focusing on something I find interesting.

✅I struggle to pay attention during meetings, phone calls and conversations.


7. Managing Emotions

Emotional Regulation is ability to manage the intensity of your emotions.

Is this you?

✅I have difficulty putting aside an upsetting emotion (like anger, frustration or disappointment) to focus on what I need to do.

✅I am easily frustrated or angered and have a short fuse.

✅I am easily upset by negative feedback.

✅It takes a long time to calm down and get back to work after being upset.

✅I tend to ruminate (get locked into a negative emotion for a long time).


8. Managing Reactions

Control over impulsivity is the ability to "look before you leap" - to pause in order to consider possible consequences before acting, as opposed to impulsively reacting.

Is this you?

✅I interrupt people in conversations.

✅I've been told I "have no filter" or I blurt out what is on my mind that I later regret.

✅I eat or drink and later regret the decisions I made.

✅I overspend with impulsive purchases that I later regret.

✅I often "go with my gut".


9. Managing Energy

This skill is the ability to balance productivity with recharging.

Is this you?

✅I often feel burned out and stressed.

✅I overextend myself, which leads to me being totally unproductive for a while after that.

✅I get stuck wasting my time on things that don't give me more energy (social media, Netflix, YouTube etc.)


10. Following Through

This is the ability to "stick with it" until completion.

Is this you?

✅I often leave tasks or projects unfinished.

✅I struggle to do things that will bring me closer to my long term goals.

✅I do things in fits and starts as opposed to working consistently over time.

✅I give up easily when I hit an obstacle.

✅I tend to choose immediate or quick rewards over intangible long-term gratification.


Yup! That's Me. Now What?

I know. It's likely that you answered "yes" to almost all of the questions. And that's okay. Remember the good news? You're supposed to eat spaghetti all thangles up! Once you start building skills in one or two areas, all of your functioning improves!

Not sure where to start? Grab your free assessment here.

You'll discover your personal ADHD profile, pinpoint your biggest blocks, and get started with managing your ADHD like a master!


This is not an official diagnostic tool. Take the profiler to see if or how you exhibit my model of executive function challenges. Then share the results with your doctor to seek a diagnosis

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