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e.f.t. tapping for
adhd symptoms

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Tapping on your face while talking about a problem? Yeah, I thought it was too woo woo for even me! But it works. On me. On my clients. On my kids. So much so that I took a course in it. And I want to share this little known secret with you.


What is E.F.T. Tapping?

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), otherwise known as "tapping" is a ADHD-friendly intervention that clears negativity; allowing you to feel freer, lighter and more empowered.

EFT tapping is used to treat many physical and psychological issues. It combines principles from acupressure (body) and psychology (mind) to reduce stress and clear emotional obstacles. By tapping on key acupressure points while focusing on a problem, concern or emotionally charged topic; you can calm yourself down.


In turn, this emotional relief makes space for creative problem-solving (which ADHDers are so good at!) and clarity around a way forward. Best of all, the technique is simple enough for you to do on your own!


Why E.F.T. Tapping is a Great Tool for ADHDers


EFT tapping can give quick and lasting results, and ADHD brains thrive on fast results. Just a few rounds of tapping can get you unstuck or ease distress from emotional dysregulation, overthinking or anxiety.


Tapping for Emotional Regulation

ADHD minds can be fraught with stress, anxiety and overwhelm. ADHDers often experience low energy, leaving them without the drive to convert desire into action. Avoidance becomes the name of the game. And then there’s that whole shame package that comes with years of living undiagnosed - “What’s wrong with me. It’s not rocket science! Why can’t I do the thing? Am I stupid or just lazy?”


Tapping on Limiting Beliefs


As EFT founder, Gary Craig, puts it, we are born into a “Palace of Possibilities”. We are born without any assumptions about ourselves. But as we grow, things happen, and we “write our conclusions about ourselves, other people and life on the palace walls”. When we believe these false truths (limiting beliefs), other floors and rooms of the palace become off limits and we confine ourselves with these beliefs.

If you’ve repeatedly been told you are lazy, don’t try hard enough or that you “have so much potential if only you would …”, you begin to believe that you are not good enough. Tapping can expose and resolve these thoughts.


Tapping on Associated Conditions


How many of you sought help for anxiety, shame or depression before finding out you had ADHD? These common bedfellows of ADHD have also been proven to be relieved by EFT tapping.

Other common co-occurring conditions with ADHD are OCD and anger management difficulties. Even conditions like Fibromyalgia have been linked to ADHD.

Want to know more on the science behind EFT tapping? Read more here.


Some ADHD Challenges Eased by E.F.T. Tapping


  • Fear and worry / anxiety / panic / overwhelm

  • Procrastination / resistance / avoidance

  • Imposter syndrome / fear of failure

  • Limiting beliefs

  • Low self-esteem

  • Low motivation

  • Restlessness / hyperactivity

  • Sleep disturbances

  • Stress / tension

  • Overthinking

  • Shame / guilt

  • Impulsivity / succumbing cravings

  • Chronic lateness

  • Frustration with any of the ways that your ADHD impacts your life.




Any of these sound familiar?


I use EFT within my coaching practice mainly to help my clients accomplish more and feel better about themselves. But one can also use EFT tapping for one specific problem, outside of a coaching relationship.


How Tapping for ADHD Works


1. We meet online or in my ADHD clinic, either option is a safe and confidential space.


2. I begin by listening to your story, helping you pinpoint the obstacles and establishing a level of distress that the problem is causing you, on a scale of 1-10.


3. And then the tapping begins, where I guide you to overcome your problem:


  • “Even though I feel overwhelmed with all I have to do today, I accept how I feel.”

  • “Even though I really don’t want to study for this test, I am still smart.”

  • “Even though I feel ashamed of how little I’ve accomplished, I know I am worthy of love.”


These are examples of setup statements, which “bookend” your problem with a balancing statement.


We start with 3 of these statements tapping on a meridian point on the side of your hand. Don’t worry! We do it together, all you have to do is copy me and repeat what I say.

4. Next we do a round of tapping on the other 7 acupressure points, while repeating your reminder statement :


  • “ I feel overwhelmed with all I have to do today.”

  • “ I really don’t want to study for this test.”

  • “I feel ashamed of how little I’ve accomplished.”

5. After the first round, things may pop up - memories, sensations, feelings, images.

It’s normal for “random” thoughts or memories to pop into our heads while tapping. That’s another thing ADHDers are great at - noticing all the random thoughts that flit into their heads!

So we take these "pop ups" and put them into the subsequent rounds. When we tap on these thoughts or distant memories (for example, a parent yelling at you to clean your room or do your homework), they act like stepping stones sent from our emotional brain. They guide us out of inertia or emotional distress and into a more positive state.


As we tap on the various aspects that pop up to clear them, most of the time, the level of distress gets lower and lower the more rounds you do. Even if the problem doesn't get completely neutralized (distress level 0), at around distress level 2 you will have experienced much relief. It is likely that now you will be able to move forward - feeling positive and motivated. At the very least, you will be calmer and more at peace.


Which is For Me - "ADHD Coaching" or "Tapping for ADHD" ?


In my clinic, I offer 3 options for mastering your mind and taking control so that you can thrive with ADHD:


1. Coaching:


When working with clients in the ADHD coaching context, we generally focus on performance - knowing what you want and how to take action in ADHD-friendly ways. The focus is on behaviors - either new ones you want to introduce or old ones you want to change. And you get to use the coach for support and accountability between sessions too!


2. Combo:


When a current coaching client is not clear on what is stopping them taking action, or if it’s primarily their emotions that are getting in their way, then bringing EFT into a regular session can be very effective. EFT can be used to help them clear negative emotions, associations, limiting beliefs and to make sense of the messages that their subconscious is telling them.


3. EFT Tapping:


When someone who is not an ongoing coaching client, wants help overcoming a very specific problem, then one or two sessions can be very effective in changing the status quo.


For example:

  • Fear / worry / anxiety about a specific issue.

  • Overwhelm about something specific.

  • Procrastination / resistance / avoidance of a specific task.

  • Low motivation around a specific task or project.

  • Shame / guilt / frustration / stress around a specific topic.


I guess you could say option 1 is for macro-change with support and option 3 is for micro-change around one issue.


All in all, EFT can be a powerful tool for ADHDers. Think of it as clearing the path so that you can continue smoothly on your travels. Ready to try it?

Let's chat!

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